Free Credit Report
Did you know that you are able to check your credit file for free?
Now you can get your up to date credit report and credit score. All you need to do is fill out the free credit report application form and identify yourself. We will send you your report the next business day and discuss your file with you.
Absolutely no cost to you. When you apply for credit it is important to beware of what is on your credit file and to know your credit score. You are then able to correct any inaccuracies.
3 Easy steps to your credit file:
Step 1: Complete our secure online credit report application form.
Step 2: You will need your driver’s licence and Medicare card to identify yourself.
Step 3: You will receive a call and an email of your credit file. Usually the next business day. to receive your credit file.
What is on my Credit Report?
Your credit file or credit report contains details of your personal information. This information helps to identify you. If you apply for credit, you will have a credit file and a credit score. The information that is recorded in your credit report or credit file includes the following:
Your personal details including date of birth, address, current and past addresses, employment details, credit enquiries, any loan defaults, court writs, judgements, summons, bankruptcy, part 9 debt agreements and credit card and some loan payment histories.
How do I get a copy of my Credit File?
You can get access to your credit file at free of charge. This enables you to check your credit file and credit score so that you can make sure that the information is accurate and up to date. This may also help you spot any signs warnings of identity theft or unauthorised activity on your file. If you have been declined for credit you should check your credit file and credit score.
How do I know what my Credit Score means?
Your credit score is calculated on the information contained in your credit file. Your credit score is a range from -999 to 1200.
Excellent 833 – 1200
Very Good 726 – 832
Good 622 – 725
Average 510 – 621
Below Average 0 – 509
Bankrupt or Undischarged Part 9 Debt Agreement 0 to -999
If you have ever been declined for credit, then it is a good idea to check your credit score.
Does A Good Credit Score Make It Easier to Get Finance?
Yes, it can, a good credit score is an important factor in getting an approval for a loan. An excellent credit score doesn’t automatically guarantee an approval. Lenders also consider other factors as part of your overall creditworthiness, some of those other factors include your income, your debt levels, and payment history.